Damien &


We created BlueShotPhotography as an anti-cubical lifestyle that breeds panglossian attitudes and breathes life into slumbering artist of all ages, cultures, and races. Reminding us all that we are all human, and life is too long to be doing things you don't love.

Constantly staring at reflections

Throughout the years I have met a multitude of people from all walks of life, one thing that remains the same is that photography is a medium to express that which words can not. Capturing moments in time that are now non-existent in time. There is something poetic about that simple fact and maybe that is why I am drawn to creating with as many people as I can, traveling the world and learning as much as I possible can while on this earth.

It stands to say the more I create with others, the more I learn about myself. This lens is a reflection of my world and this is my way of welcoming you all into the deepest parts of my heart, mind and soul.

Creating powerful imagery


Coincidentally when I tell my life story it no doubt is also your life story. We are all connected and this is how I connect the dots with you all.

The Process

01. Connect

Connecting with the universe, expressing that which is on our mind, heart, and soul.

Share your story

02. Conceptualize

We start with a hunch, the moment you think to yourself that would be cool to see! We grab onto that thread and tug at the end until we've collected elements.

Develop Your Vision

03. Create

Project goal is created, elements are gathered, and now is the fun part! Literally we play together and breathe life into our art form.

Bring it to life